Service Delivery Modalities in Protracted FCV Settings

30th September 2024
Author: Iffat Idris

This K4DD Rapid Evidence Review looks at modalities to deliver services in five sectors in fragile, conflict-affected and vulnerable (FCV) settings.

The common challenge is how to bring about rapid delivery to meet pressing needs, without (further) undermining state systems. Modalities used were found to vary somewhat across the five sectors, e.g. some relying more on community participation, others on the private sector.

However, in all five sectors a common focus in interventions considered to be effective was on: engaging local communities; working with community-based organizations; using public-private partnerships; keeping local/higher governments on board; and/or taking a systems approach.

Ultimately, the challenges posed by each situation will be different, so the modality used will be context-specific.

Suggested Citation

Idris, I. (2024). Service Delivery Modalities in Protracted FCV Settings. K4DD Rapid Evidence Review 141. Institute of Development Studies. DOI: 10.19088/K4DD.2025.003


30th September 2024


Continent: Africa, Asia, Global

Country: Afghanistan, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Palestine