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Showing: 1-12 of 1246 results
Rapid Evidence Review, Report
Can issue-based programming work to tackle corruption in Kenya?
Date Published: July 2024
Author: Aurin Huq
Rapid Evidence Review, Report
Shifting Sands: The Evolving Landscape of Aid Conditionality and its Effects
Date Published: July 2024
Author: Kristina Tschunkert
Rapid Evidence Review, Report
Leveraging private investment in the Pacific
Date Published: July 2024
Author: Rachel Cooper
Rapid Evidence Review, Report
The Political Economy of Refugee Integration Policies
Date Published: July 2024
Author: Kristina Tschunkert
Rapid Evidence Review, Report
Rapid Evidence Review, Report
Recovery and Reconstruction Lessons for Ukraine
Date Published: July 2024
Author: Siân Herbert
K4DD Humanitarian Evidence and Discourse Summary No.3 
Date Published: July 2024
Author: Luke Kelly
Rapid Evidence Review
Humanitarian Diplomacy Definitions and Approaches
Date Published: May 2024
Author: Luke Kelly
Rapid Evidence Review
Battery-operated Auto Rickshaws
Date Published: May 2024
Author: William Avis
Rapid Evidence Review
The Environmental Impacts of Illicit Drug Production
Date Published: May 2024
Author: Kathryn Cheeseman
Rapid Evidence Review
Lessons from Post-war Reconstruction Programmes
Date Published: May 2024
Author: Brigitte Rohwerder