Role of Donors in the Delivery of Services in Protracted FCV Settings

31st October 2024
Author: Iffat Idris

Service delivery in fragile, conflict-affected and vulnerable (FCV) settings is extremely challenging for multiple reasons. At the same time, failure to deliver services exacerbates fragility. Donors are finding ways to address these challenges and continue engaging in FCV situations but approaches and effectiveness are very context dependent.

This K4DD Rapid Evidence Review looks at the role of donors in supporting this. It assesses both current practice, and recommendations for how this can be strengthened/be effective. The review draws on a mixture of academic and grey literature, the latter largely consists of reports by international development organizations. The available literature was found to include gender aspects to some extent but made few references to persons with disabilities.

Suggested Citation

Idris, I. (2024). Role of Donors in Delivery of Services in Protracted FCV Settings. K4DD Rapid Evidence Review 150. Institute of Development Studies. DOI: 10.19088/K4DD.2025.002


31st October 2024


Continent: Global

Country: Afghanistan, Nigeria, Sierra Leone