Place-Based Approaches and Air Quality Management in the Global South

28th November 2024
Author: Poppy Richards, Rupert Avis

This K4DD rapid evidence review provides an overview of place-based approaches and its importance in terms of air quality management.

The review compiles evidence from a range of sources. The review acknowledges that the expansion of urban areas and populations is associated with both positive and negative consequences. Cities and metropolitan areas are considered to be engines of economic growth; however, cities are also responsible for about 70% of the world’s carbon emissions.

Emerging trends in air quality management recommend that effective air quality management requires not only diagnosing and modelling air pollutants, but the development of a holistic approach where the spatial nature of air pollutants, socio-economic and institutional factors are integrated.

Suggested Citation

Avis, R. and Richards, P. (2024). Place-Based Solutions and Air Quality in the Global South. K4DD Rapid Evidence Review 177. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies. DOI: 10.19088/K4DD.2024.076


28th November 2024


Continent: Africa, Asia, Global