Mobile Technology and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

1st May 2018
Author: Stephen Thompson

This K4D Emerging Issues report highlights research and emerging evidence that show how mobile-enabled services can help increase inclusion of persons with disabilities. The aim is to provide DFID policy-makers with the information required to inform policies that are more resilient to the future. This report provides a synthesis of the current evidence on how mobile technology and mobile-enabled services can help increase inclusion of persons with disabilities. It was originally planned that this report would also explore how mobile enabled technology might exacerbate existing inequalities. Some evidence was found to focus on the barriers to ICT that marginalised groups encounter, however, no evidence was found to focus on how mobile technology might exacerbate inequalities. As such, the report focuses on the positive impact that mobile technology has been shown to have in increasing the inclusion of persons with disabilities.

Suggested Citation

Thompson S. (2018) Mobile Technology and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, K4D Emerging Issues Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies


1st May 2018


Continent: Global