Improving Beneficiary Feedback Mechanisms for Refugees

22nd August 2018
Author: Roz Price

This review looks at beneficiary feedback mechanisms in humanitarian contexts. The review was asked to focus on three areas in relation to beneficiary feedback mechanisms: best practice, impacts of feedback approaches, and the use and impact of digital technology on beneficiary-agency relationships. A number of case studies and examples from international non-governmental organisations and agencies are used to demonstrate different feedback mechanisms and lessons learned from the implementation of these. Some of these case studies include information on ‘impact’, however, it was found that impacts were often limited to the activity and programme level and few demonstrated sustained or substantial impact higher up within organisations or in strategic decision-making. Attribution to feedback mechanisms is also difficult. Although the use of digital technologies in humanitarian contexts is now common practice, little literature or evidence could be found around the impact of these on beneficiary-agency relationships. This is an emerging area where more research is urgently needed.

Suggested Citation

Price, R.A. (2018). Improving beneficiary feedback mechanisms for refugees. K4D Helpdesk Report 417. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies


22nd August 2018


Continent: Global

Country: Afghanistan, Haiti, Pakistan, Sudan