This paper is one of four companion Briefs to the main guidance note on scaling up social norm change. The third brief focuses on resourcing and value for money. There is little available evidence on the costing and value for money of scaling up social norm change. Looking at interventions to prevent violence against women and girls, few have been rigorously evaluated to determine their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness (Ferrari et al., 2018, p. 7). There are challenges for measuring both the cost and the effectiveness of complex social norm interventions and their scale-up (see guidance by Homan, 2016; Remme et al., 2015; Michaels-Igbokwe, 2016). Most approaches to measuring value for money focus on quantitative methods and monetary valuation, “the financial and tangible elements of an intervention” (D’Emidio et al., 2017, p. 10). Qualitative participatory value-for-money assessments (as developed by ActionAid) set out how to judge the value of a programme based on “how much social change it has generated”, with the communities themselves seen as best placed to assess this value (ibid.).