Economic Development in Tajikistan

18th July 2018
Author: Roz Price

Tajikistan has experienced steady economic growth and achieved rapid poverty reduction over the past two decades, mainly due to a favourable external environment. However, Tajikistan’s economy is highly dependent on remittances, agriculture and a small exports base. This annotated bibliography looks at key documents published since 2014 relating to economic development in Tajikistan. For each resource, a couple of brief paragraphs describe the document including its methodology (where available) and main findings. Then recommendations from the document are highlighted, and any limitations of the report (such as relating to data collection, analysis or findings) are highlighted if stated. A number of databases, indices and further resources have been flagged as footnotes or in the key websites section.

Suggested Citation

Price, R.A. (2018). Economic development in Tajikistan. K4D Helpdesk Report 402. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.


18th July 2018


Continent: Asia

Country: Tajikistan