This rapid literature review collates information on donor activities in the extractive industries (EI) sector, and provides an illustrative summary of some of the key lessons from this work since 2013. This query is limited by the paucity of publically available information on donor activities in the extractives sector. The 2013 topic guide by Dietsche et al is the only comprehensive online source that analyses and compares donor-country activities across the extractives sector. In the time-frame of this query, it has not been possible to “update” the 2013 topic guide. To do this, an in-depth research process would be required as the data is not readily available. E.g., while the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) website provides an important source of information on donor country profiles on EI activities (specifically EITI), it only does so for governance-related activities, and not for the other aspects of EI activities (e.g. artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) or local content).