Covid-19, Conflict, and Governance Evidence Summary No.30

26th February 2021
Author: Siân Herbert

This fortnightly Covid-19 (C19), Conflict, and Governance Evidence Summary aims to signpost the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and other UK government departments to the latest evidence and opinions on C19, to inform and support their responses. Based on the feedback given in a recent survey, and analysis by the Xcept project, this summary is now focussing more on C19 policy responses. This summary features resources on: how youth empowerment programmes have reduced violence against girls during C19 (in Bolivia); why we need to embrace incertitude in disease preparedness responses; and how Latin American countries have been addressing widening gender inequality during C19. It also includes papers on other important themes: the role of female leadership during C19; and understanding policy responses in Africa to C19 The summary uses two main sections – (1) literature: – this includes policy papers, academic articles, and long-form articles that go deeper than the typical blog; and (2) blogs & news articles. It is the result of one day of work, and is thus indicative but not comprehensive of all issues or publications.

Suggested Citation

Herbert, S. (2021). COVID-19 Conflict and Governance Evidence Summary No.30. K4D Evidence Summary. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies. DOI: 10.19088/K4D.2021.028


26th February 2021


Continent: Africa, Global

Country: Bolivia, Brazil