The literature on reintegration for returnees covers the economic, social, and psychosocial aspects of reintegration of return migrants. There is a relatively large body of literature on the reintegration of returnees. However, this consists largely of grey literature. There is an absence of rigorous, evidence-based studies on the different aspects of the reintegration of returnees. In terms of geographical focus, most of the country studies available are for countries that have return programmes, such as Afghanistan (Carr, 2014). Moreover, few studies mainstream gender or disability, although there are some studies that look explicitly at the gender dimensions of the reintegration of return migrants in specific country contexts. The review finds that lack of effective tracking/monitoring mechanisms of returnees in some countries means that many aspects of reintegration are not yet fully understood. In addition to this, the literature identifies a number of research gaps, but does not identify research areas, which are a particular priority and does not address the issue of political reintegration of returnees.