Humanitarian Pauses and Corridors in Contexts of Conflict

17th September 2020
Author: Roz Price

This rapid review explores the literature on humanitarian corridors and humanitarian pauses in contexts of conflict. This review first provides definitions and discussions of the key terms – humanitarian corridor and humanitarian pause – placing them in the wider context and experiences of humanitarian access and safe areas. “Days of tranquillity” are also touched upon in this first section, but detailed information is not given due to the limitations in scope of this report. The next section looks at some historic examples of where these interventions have been used. A brief sub-section within this section is given to recent calls by the UN Secretary General for a global ceasefire or humanitarian pause due to COVID-19. The final section provides information on other guidance not specifically on humanitarian pauses or corridors, but which may provide useful insights to their operationalisation. Including field manuals on frontline negotiations and ceasefires.

Suggested Citation

Price, R.A. (2020). Humanitarian pauses and corridors in contexts of conflict. K4D Helpdesk Report 883. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.


17th September 2020


Continent: Global

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Libya, Senegal, Somalia