Guidance Note on Scaling up Social Norm Change

1st April 2019
Author: Becky Carter, Marina Apgar, Shandana Khan Mohmand

This is a guidance note on how DFID can support the scale-up of inclusive approaches to complex social change for marginalised and vulnerable groups. It looks at how to scale up approaches to shift social norms that underpin behaviours preventing particularly women, girls and people with disabilities from participating and benefiting equally from development and development interventions. Achieving impact at scale on such harmful behaviours may come from extending the reach and/or improving the effectiveness of strategies focusing on social norms. Alongside this main note, four companion Briefs provide further information and practical examples on (1) concepts and resources; (2) types of scale-up; (3) resourcing and value for money of scale-up; and (4) risk management and monitoring.

Suggested Citation

Carter, B. with Apgar, M. & Khan Mohmand, S. (2019). Guidance note on scaling up social norm change. K4D Emerging Issues Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.


1st April 2019


Continent: Global