Guidance Note on Scaling up Social Norm Change: Concepts and Resources (Brief 01)

1st April 2019
Author: Becky Carter, Marina Apgar, Shandana Khan Mohmand

This paper is one of four companion Briefs to the main guidance note on scaling up social norm change. The first brief focuses on the concept and resources on social norms, social norms intervention, and scale-up. This guidance note also draws on the literature on scaling up development interventions across a number of sectors: ExpandNet, The Management Systems International (MSI) scale-up management framework, and The IFAD framework. There is also guidance and other research on scaling up interventions to change social norms (in publication year order) that were elaborated in the last section.

Suggested Citation

Carter, B. with Apgar, M. & Khan Mohmand, S. (2019). Brief 1. Scaling up social norm change: Concepts and resources. K4D Emerging Issues Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.


1st April 2019


Continent: Global