This non-standard research exercise identified and mapped girls’ education programmes and interventions across Asia and the Pacific. The study primarily focused on interventions that benefit girls, including those that support the transition to secondary school and school completion. The following areas of technical and thematic focus were of particular interest: Accelerated learning, Girls’ education post-Covid-19, Non-formal education, Supplementary education, Female empowerment (i.e. girls’ clubs, life skills programmes, economic empowerment), Climate change, Education Technology (EdTech), and Inclusion of the most marginalised. This mapping study follows a K4D report outlining key barriers to girls’ education in the ASEAN and Pacific region (Price, 2020). It included active programmes and those that finished between 2015 and 2020, with a particular focus on programmes in Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam, Myanmar, Indonesia, the Philippines, East Timor (Timor-Leste) and Papua New Guinea. Three days of researcher time was allocated to this study, so the exercise was therefore limited in identifying and mapping a large number of applicable programmes. The study relied on publicly available information, so may not have captured all relevant current and previous programming.