Evidence Base in LICs and LMICs on TVET to Help Young People Into Employment

30th August 2024
Author: William Avis

This K4DD Rapid Evidence Review collates available evidence on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and employment.

The evidence base concerning the impact of particular TVET interventions is complex and multifaceted involving a range of different types of intervention often varying from system to system and country to country.

More specifically, the body of literature on TVET in relation to young people in the global south is relatively limited. In many of the existing reviews, evaluations of training and retraining are presented alongside other typical active labour market programmes (ALMPs), such as employment services, public works, wage and employment subsidies, and self-employment assistance.

Suggested Citation

Avis, W. (2024). Evidence Base in LICs and LMICs on TVET to Help Young People Into Employment. K4DD Rapid Evidence Review 131. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies. DOI: 10.19088/K4DD.2024.082


30th August 2024


Continent: Global