Evidence Summary

Covid-19, Conflict, and Governance Evidence Summary No.7

3rd July 2020
Author: Siân Herbert

This weekly Covid-19, Conflict, and Governance Evidence Summary aims to signpost DFID and other UK government departments to the latest evidence and opinions on Covid-19 (C19), to inform and support their responses. This week, features resources on: democratic backsliding under C19; how C19 is increasing gender inequality in conflict affected contexts, and is increasing domestic violence and child maltreatment, with lifelong consequences; and how C19 is affecting the world of work, public budgeting and food markets. Many of the core C19 themes continue to be covered this week, including: C19-related corruption; and how exisiting inequalities exacerbate the unequal burdens and risks of C19, e.g. regarding vulnerable youth and socioeconomic inequalities. The summary uses two main sections – (1) literature: – this includes policy papers, academic articles, and long-form articles that go deeper than the typical blog; and (2) blogs & news articles. It is the result of one day of work, and is thus indicative but not comprehensive of all issues or publications.

Suggested Citation

Herbert, S. (2020). COVID-19 Conflict and Governance Evidence Summary No.7. K4D Evidence Summary. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.


3rd July 2020


Continent: Africa, Global

Country: Brazil, Nepal, Peru