Covid-19, Conflict, and Governance Evidence Summary No.3

5th June 2020
Author: Siân Herbert

This weekly Covid-19 Conflict and Governance Evidence Summary aims to signpost DFID and other UK government departments to the latest evidence and opinions on Covid-19 (C19), to inform and support their responses.This week features resources on: why we need ‘leader-centred’ analysis to understand how individual leaders’ choices have shaped the effectiveness of C19 responses (with significant impacts); how C19 is negatively affecting justice for women and safe abortion services; and how C19 is impacting on violent extremist recruitment and radicalisation and human trafficking.Many of the core C19 themes continue to be covered this week, including: how C19 is accentuating Yemen’s humanitarian crisis, allegations of C19 related corruption; how women are on the frontline of C19 responses (including as leaders); and the increased geopolitical tensions between the US and China. After a week of race riots and violent state responses in the US, more generalised concerns around US leadership and governance are palpable.The summary uses two main sections – (1) literature: – this includes policy papers, academic articles, and long-form articles that go deeper than the typical blog; and (2) blogs & news articles. The articles in section (1) that are journal articles, or that explicitly state having been peer reviewed, are highlighted in yellow (none again this week). It is the result of one day of work, and is thus indicative but not comprehensive of all issues or publications.

Suggested Citation

Herbert, S. (2020). COVID-19 Conflict and Governance Evidence Summary No.3. K4D Evidence Summary. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies


5th June 2020


Continent: Asia, Global

Country: Bangladesh, China