Climate Change and Illicit Flows

31st July 2024
Author: Alex Walsh

This K4DD Rapid Evidence Review seeks to highlight how climate change will affect illicit flows globally. The analysis includes illicit financial flows, illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, narcotics, human trafficking, firearms, minerals and other natural resources.

As a topic, the criminogenic character of climate change is very wide. It involves the whole globe and a great many goods. Therefore, the coverage of this report is necessarily an illustrative summary, and the literature used, counting 80 sources from NGOs, UN agencies and academics, is far from exhaustive.

Generally, sources examining the effect of climate change on the source or production of the illicit good and the destination are more numerous than sources that treat the effect of climate change on the route or transport means, which represents somewhat of a gap.

Suggested Citation

Walsh, A. (2024). Climate Change and Illicit Flows. K4DD Rapid Evidence Review 100. Institute of Development Studies. DOI: 10.19088/K4DD.2025.011


31st July 2024


Continent: Global