Lessons for Health Programme Delivery in Fragile and Conflict-affected States

8th June 2020
Author: Laura Bolton

This helpdesk report reviews the lessons learned from the delivery of health programmes in a conflict-sensitive way. Recommendations on conflict sensitivity and health programming identified in this review include: coordination between governments and implementing agencies, training for healthcare staff in conflict sensitivity, health and hygiene promotion for refugees and social cohesion activities for refugees and host communities involving children. Meanwhile, lessons for achieving health outcomes in fragile and conflict-affected states include: political commitment and government ownership, participatory decision-making, evidence-based programming and refinement, reliable and sustained funding and strengthening of community structures that provide support in health. Programming experience in fragile and conflict-affected states also provides useful tips on: capacity building, contracting out, health pool funding, labour markets, different providers and gender.

Suggested Citation

Bolton, L. (2020). Lessons for health programme delivery in fragile and conflict-affected states. K4D Helpdesk Report 828. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.


8th June 2020


Continent: Global

Country: Afghanistan, Jordan, Lebanon, South Sudan